30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

30 Unique At-Home Bridal Shower Ideas

It’s summertime and that means weddings GALORE! If you’ve been asked to, or even offered to, throw a bridal shower before you know that coming up with ideas to make it fun and enjoyable can be a little challenging. You want the bride and the guests to have a good time! I’m sure we’ve all been to those showers where the whole time, in the back of your head, you’re thinking, How soon can I leave without seeming rude…? I’m hoping these bridal shower ideas will take your guests from When can I leave? to, Dang! This girl can really throw a bridal shower! Is she for hire?! 😉

group games

Over 20 Family Friendly Group Games

Anyone up for some fun group games?? I’m always on the look-out for some easy (and awesome) games to play at parties with friends and family. Several of my favorites have been shared right here on ‘Or so she says…’! Other faves have been shared on some of my favorite blogs. So, with New Year’s Eve on the horizon, and party planning under-way, I thought I would share with you over 20 super awesome group games… all family-friendly! They’re just what you need to liven up your holiday celebration or any party, get-together, or family reunion.

Kari is sharing 7 baby shower tips to help you host an amazing gathering for any new mom-to-be. Don't miss out because these are genius! www.orsoshesays.com #babyshowertips #babyshower #partyplanning #nurserydecor

Baby Shower Tips and Tricks – Be The Hostess with the Mostest!

Hello again all! It’s Kari here from Paper Wings. I hope that summer has blessed you with lots of family fun and adventure! As we wrap up Summer-time, I thought I’d share some baby shower tips in case you find yourself hosting one! These 7 hacks can help inspire and take the pressure off any host, veteran or first timer alike.

A roundup of the best New Year's Eve appetizers on www.orsoshesays.com #newyearseve #recipes, #appetizers
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30 Appetizers for New Year’s Eve Parties

So, I’m not OFFICIALLY back from my Christmas blog break, yet. Soon, soon. But, I couldn’t resist sharing with you a round-up of fabulous treats and appetizers for New Year’s Eve parties! I know that’s what I’m thinking about and I bet a lot of you are too. I hope these give you some inspiration!

10 Favorite Frozen Party Ideas

10 Favorite Frozen Party Ideas (she: Mariah)

I’m sure you’re all just about Frozen-ed out about by now. I know I’m getting there, and I don’t even have little girls! Working on pediatric units, Frozen is all the little girls ever want to watch and it runs on repeat ALL DAY LONG. So the important thing to remember here is that the kids AREN’T sick of Frozen, in fact they’re just the opposite; they want all the Frozen they can get! So without further adieu, here they are, 10 Favorite Frozen Party Ideas… Do it for the kids.

Come check out 10 of my favorite Frozen party ideas!!

washi tape toppers
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2-Minute Washi Tape Toppers (she: Mel)

Hello there, Or So She Says readers! My name is Melissa, but you can me Mel. I blog over at So Festive!, a blog featuring all sorts of simple ideas to make your holidays, parties, and life more festive. I’m super excited to be a new holidays and party contributor here. My entire goal is to share real ideas for real people and inspire you to make life more festive. Because life is to be enjoyed, right? I’ll show you how, simply. I certainly don’t have an endless budget, nor do I always have the time to run to the store to get a last-minute supply. And heaven knows half of my festive ideas come about 15 minutes before the party starts. So I have to improvise. You’d be surprised at how many things you can do with the stuff you already have. My post for today is all about that: using up something you probably have in your craft drawer. Or room. (Whatever type of person you are.) Today’s idea takes just a few minutes, and I think you’ll love it.

Banana Split Mini Bundts | Baking a Moment
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Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes (she: Allie)

Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes are such a Fun Treat! Moist Banana Cake is Filled with Pineapple, and Topped with Strawberry Buttercream, Chocolate Sauce, Peanuts, and a Cherry on Top. Perfect for your next Party!

When I think of Spring, I think of birthday parties. Both my boys were Spring babies, and I love that! When they were first born, I loved that just when we were ready to venture out of our little cocoon, gorgeous warm breezes were beckoning us to go on long stroller walks. And now that they’re bigger, I love that presents, parties, and games are there for them, just when their house-bound stir-craziness is at a fever pitch.

Since baking’s my favorite, I always try to come up with something super-special and fun for them on their birthdays. I think these Banana Split Mini Bundt Cakes definitely fit the bill!

Mr. Freeze Dinner Game www.oneshetwoshe.com
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Mr. Freeze ~ Fun Group Game for Parties!

It’s almost New Year’s Eve and if you’re not thinking about hitting the hay, you may be thinking about some possible games to play at your party! I love easy group games that don’t require much prep. This game of Mr. Freeze is so simple and fun to play during dinner, whether with your family or a big group of friends.

Come check it out and stick around OSSS because I’ve got a whole slew of group games for you really soon!

colorful tulle circle banner_createandbabble
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Circle Tulle Banner Tutorial (she: Jeanie)

Hi again! It’s Jeanie from Create & Babble, back today to share a tutorial on how I made this pretty banner using tulle circles. There are so many occasions where this banner could be used: baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties or in my case: no occasion at all! Besides this banner being incredibly easy to make, it costs next to nothing to make!

All you need to make this banner are tulle circles in the color(s) of your choice, sewing machine or needle and thread. I had some tulle circles on hand. Why would I have tulle circles on hand?

Gold Animal Place-Card Holders by The Thinking Closet
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Animal Place-Card Holders (she: Lauren)

Growing up, when my parents hosted company, it was always my job to create place-cards for the dinner table. My favorite set were made using soft clam shells that we spray-painted gold and wrote on with paint-markers. However, in the four years since I’ve gotten hitched and moved out of my parents’ home, I’ve grown lazy on the job. Our household has been painfully lacking in the place-card department…until now, that is!

My inspiration came from the variety of projects I’ve seen out there in blogland involving plastic animals from the Dollar Store covered in spray paint. Do you know the ones? I’ve seen these animals become bookends, wall art, jar tops, even magnets. One day, it just struck me that some gold spray painted plastic animals would be the perfect bearers of place-cards.

Favorite Things Party for Kids! (she: Veronica)

Favorite Things Party for Kids! (she: Veronica)

If you have kids like mine, they are fresh out of school and already BORED. So, we thought it would be fun to throw a “Favorite Things” party…for KIDS! If you’ve never heard of a Favorite Things party, you are missing out!! They are my FAVORITE parties. Typically they are thrown for adults, but I thought it would be fun to do for kids. If you love it, maybe you’ll be brave enough to throw one for you and YOUR friends. I’m going to share the basic instructions for a “Favorite Things” party and you can adjust it for adults or kids.

What is a Favorite Things Party? In a nutshell, you and your guests bring some of their favorite things, you exchange gifts in a fun way, and everyone goes home with some new favorite things. YIPPEEE!

Gag Gifts for White Elephant Parties ~ Mariel’s Picks 2012

Gag Gifts for White Elephant Parties ~ Mariel’s Picks 2012

As the final day of Mariel’s Picks 2012, I think we’ll wrap it up with gag gifts for white elephant parties… Oh, my heavens.  I can’t stop laughing!  A Booty Pop??  The reviews on this thing totally stink, if you’re considering it for practical reasons.  But, for a gag gift…perfect. So, I actually want this…Aqua…